Death By Audio Pedals

Collection: Death By Audio Pedals

Who is Death By Audio?

Death By Audio is a New York City-based boutique pedal manufacturer. The brand is a highly regarded creative boutique pedal company well-known for exceptional and distinct effect pedals, solidifying it as a prominent name in the music gear industry.

With a reputation for having some of the most unique and versatile effect pedals in the market, Death By Audio pedals are celebrated for their ability to emit rich tones that appeal to musicians who desire to experiment with sonic landscapes.

History of Death By Audio

Founded in 2002, Oliver Ackermann, an audio engineer and frontman of the band A Place to Bury Strangers, initially started Death By Audio by creating effects pedals in his small workshop. Ackermann’s passion for creating otherworldly tones drove the brand to become a staple in the guitar pedal market.

Total Sonic Annihilation was Death By Audio’s first pedal to receive major success. The guitar effect caught the attention of musicians with its ability to create extreme feedback loops, resulting in musical and inventive sonic textures.

From its humble beginnings to becoming a respected brand, Death By Audio's history reflects Ackermann's vision and commitment to crafting exceptional tones through its innovative effect pedals.

Why You Need a Death By Audio Pedal

Each Death By Audio pedal is a tool that offers unmatched creativity that sets your music apart. Here are some of the brand’s best features:

  • Otherworldly Sonic Tones: With experimental soundscapes that push the boundaries of effects pedals, Death By Audio cements itself as an innovative boutique pedal brand in the market. Each DBA pedal enables artists to explore a wider sonic territory while keeping their music dynamic and original.
  • High-Quality Craftsmanship: Death By Audio is known for its robust pedals, allowing you to stomp on them without worry. Each pedal is meticulously crafted and tested to ensure premier-quality performance.
  • Limitless Creativity: With a vast catalog of guitar effects that adapt to any genre, Death By Audio pedals encourage musicians to be creative. From their wild and dirty distortions to their subtle and wavy choruses, DBA pedals provide tools that let you achieve your desired sound.

Renowned for their premier-quality, experimental guitar effects, there is no doubt that Death By Audio pedals will enhance your musicality and help you elevate any performance.

A Place to Bury Strangers Death by Audio

A Place to Bury Strangers (APTBS) is a noise rock band that originates from New York. The band is famous for its intense and atmospheric sound that leaves a lasting impression. Oliver Ackermann founded the band in 2002, and he is also the founder of Death By Audio, a Brooklyn-based company that produces effects pedals and music gear.

A Place to Bury Strangers (APTBS)

Oliver Ackermann, the guitarist and frontman of A Place to Bury Strangers, started Death By Audio as a DIY venue and recording studio in 2002. The space quickly became a hub for experimental music, and it hosted performances by various underground artists. Ackermann's passion for crafting unique and innovative sounds led him to create custom effects pedals for his personal use and for other musicians in the community.

Where to Buy Death By Audio Pedals

Whether you’re purchasing the nasty Supersonic Fuzz Gun or the spacious Reverberation Machine, we carry all the best Death By Audio pedals here at DeathCloud. We guarantee an effortless shopping experience, ensuring you can easily find the next DBA pedal that will be your new pedalboard mainstay.

Buy your new Death By Audio pedal today!